Free Tool for Monitoring Cron Jobs, Measuring Server Uptime, and SSL Expirations

Is Your Site Down? FREE automated uptime monitoring
tool to alert you if your site becomes unreachable.

  • 6 notification integrations
  • Custom domains
  • Status page analytics included
Uptime track your websites, servers and ports availability with ease.
Keep track of your Cron jobs and make sure they are actually running.
Monitor domain names expiration dates and SSL certificates.
Get notified when your domain DNS changes, track with ease.

Status pages

Be transparent with your visitors and show display your monitors stats beautifully.



Get to know when & for how long your monitors became unavailable & get instant email notifications.

We have made 15,419,151 checks for our members as of this minute.
Multiple locations
We check your monitors from multiple locations around the world.
Custom HTTP requests
Request method, request body, basic auth & custom request headers.
Custom HTTP responses
Set & expect a certain response from your monitors.
Email notifications
Get instant notifications when your tracked services go up or down.
Easiest way to categorize your managed resources.
Custom domains
Connect your own domain or use our predefined ones.

Get started

Track the uptime of your servers & display their stats on a status page.